Virginia Dentistry by Design
102 Elden St #15, Herndon, VA 20170 Call Us: (703) 478-9574

Dental Emergency? Call Your Dentist!

May 2, 2018

Filed under: Blog — SoniaD @ 3:19 pm

A woman in pain. When your tooth gets knocked out during the company soft ball game, your first instinct might be to head to the emergency room. However, in order to have the best chance of saving your tooth, the ER is not the place you should go. Your dentist in Herndon is the first place you should call for a dental emergency, and here’s why.

Why You Shouldn’t go to the ER

The emergency room is helpful in a lot of situations, unfortunately dentistry is not one of them. The ER is not equipped to perform the necessary treatment that can preserve or remove a tooth.

While an ER doctor may be able to provide medication for pain relief or antibiotics to fight an infection, this will not actually solve your problem since a dental infection won’t go away without treatment. So, you will end up paying for an emergency room visit (which is very expensive), and also the dental treatment performed by your dentist to actually restore your tooth and your oral health, which could be a huge strain on your budget.

When to Call Your Dentist

There are a few common emergency situations that your dentist can treat. If you are not sure about your situation, always call your dentist first. Your emergency dentist in Herndon can instruct you on how to handle your condition and determine if you need immediate attention.

Here are some of the common situations that would require a dental visit:

• Dental pain or a constant toothache – This is likely indicating an infection and may need root canal therapy to preserve your tooth.
• A tooth knocked out – When you lose a tooth it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible in order to have the best chance of saving it.
• A lost or broken restoration – If you have an old filling or crown break or fall out, it will need repair in order to avoid further problems.
• A broken tooth – Gather the pieces of your broken tooth and get to your dentist as soon as possible. Contact your dentist if your tooth is chipped as well, as even a small chip can be irritating to your tongue.

When Should I go to the ER?

The only time you should visit the ER before your dentist is when you have sustained trauma to your face that has caused severe swelling, cuts inside the mouth, or a broken jaw.

A good rule of thumb is to always contact your dentist first, and they can instruct you to visit an emergency room if your situation warrants it.

About the Author

Dr. Sonia Dilolli has been caring for patients in Herndon, Reston, and the surrounding communities for many years. Her mission is to help everyone smile with confidence, and the wide range of services she provides at Virginia Dentistry By Design helps her achieve her goal.

If you would like to contact Virginia Dentistry By Design, Dr. Dilolli can be reached through her website online, or by calling 703-478-9574.

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